Rugaura Sustainability Plan

Blackface lambs

Blackface lambs

Source my supply chain as sustainably as possible

My main material is wool. I use 100% British Wool dyed to my own colours from Atlantic Yarns who are ethical, eco responsible manufacturers and who have jumped through hoops to satisfy current best practice sustainability standards. I also use upcycled and repurpose yarn from commercial carpet manufacture, supplied through a couple of dealers in Yorkshire. Another beautiful happening is that when some people come across me and what I do, they either want to give me their yarn and put it to good use, or for me to buy their yarn from them. Some yarn I cant use, my guns wont cut nylon, fine knitting yarn can be too floppy, so I can recycle this, and other items through circular economy tool.

Other rug making materials I use come through the main UK supplier who imports from globally centralised manufacturers. I use local suppliers for as much as possible, such as backing fabric, printing, framing, art materials and constantly monitor the marketplace to find decentralised ways to obtain materials. Recently I have used 100% felt to back my rugs which is not yet 100% British Wool but I’m working on this. I am committed to constantly monitor and encourage my suppliers to provide products and services as sustainably as possible and prioritise those who actively work to reduce their carbon footprint, which many do.

In the recent past I worked with in a ‘Wool’ group of interested people, from farmers to Scottish Government, to look at innovative ways forward to enable local wool to stay local. So far a pilot of a ton of Scottish Blackface wool has been manoeuvred through the global sized wheels of industry into beautiful workwear. I’ve seen and felt it. It is a beautiful quality, design and finish I hope to make rugs of Scottish Wool some day, soon, and hope to be able to step up my alliance with GSAB on this again. Hopefully on my next plateau, I’m working on this, working on my lists!

I actively encourage education on the superior qualities of wool as one of the highest quality most sustainable materials with excellent properties not yet replicated by mankind. See more here the properties relate to all wool/Scottish Wool/British Wool

Reduce Energy Consumption

I work from a wasps_ Artists and Makers Studios building of 14 studio spaces which use shared facilities. The building is used to capacity with several other artists and makers concerned about our environmental impact who work to encourage minimal use of energy and promoting environmental issues. I am keen to focus joint exhibitions around positive messages about benefits of connection with nature and how we can all work together to create a better future.

I recycle packaging, compost what I can if not reusable, and buy biodegradable packaging if I must.

I have minimal waste in producing wool pile textiles and keep all waste wool to stuff cushions.

Items I cannot repurpose I recycle through

I offer my customers the option to resell their rugs to me for refurbishment and resale as pre loved items.


Please see below how to access the Total Giving page I helped set up by donating ‘The Heart of Galloway’ towards The Galloway National Park Campaign.

Spread the word about nature, human nature and the benefits of connection

As an artist and a person my work looks at how to create better conditions for connections between nature, art and humanity to thrive. My hope is to connect people to true nature, including their own in our fast paced competitive world

I promote the work of local agencies who’s valuable work is helping to build us a better future

I support local Arts agencies, being asked to join community run ‘The Harbour Cottage Gallery’ in Kirkcudbright on their ‘hanging committee’, gaining the right to officially become a ‘Walnut’ :) I have been asked to join ‘The Spring Fling’ development group to help steer forward in ever better ways.

I have worked in mental health/mental illness for many years. I was brought up working the land and tending to animals we domesticated to put food on our tables. I played among wildlife in wild places. This is my heritage. I care deeply about nature, people and the heritage I leave for future generations. I believe renewed connection, appreciation and acceptance of the natural cycles of life on our planet will benefit health and wellbeing for all. I hope humankind can become kind, in time, sooner the better!